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Women's Ministry: November Newsletter

Updated: Jan 30

Dear Ladies,

During our recent sermon series, 1 Peter 4:9-10 stood out to me; “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (NIV) 

With the holidays right around the corner, we will have opportunity to extend hospitality. Did you know when the Bible mentions hospitality it’s referring to caring for the alien or stranger in need? One who lacked belonging in a community, tribe, state or nation, needing food and/or lodging. Scripture contains many verses on hospitality and stories of those who practiced it.

Hospitality: “The generous act of welcoming guests/strangers into one’s lodging with kindness and warmth. It’s providing a friendly and comfortable environment and seeing to guests’ basic needs for sustenance, protection, and belonging”. Consider the five senses when hosting to make your home an inviting place. Your dwelling doesn’t need to be pristine in order to have people over, nor does it need to be Pinterest worthy in its presentation or menu options.

I will leave you with a challenge for this holiday season - in addition to the regular folks you entertain, ask God what “stranger” He may want you to invite into your home. Lonely hurting people are everywhere - the cashier at the checkout, your mail carrier, the 86 yr old widow neighbor estranged from family, that homeless person hanging out on the corner you drive by on a regular basis. 😳 Whoever it might be. Will you live intentionally with your eyes open the next few weeks to see who God may want you to invite into your circle? You’ll know when the Holy Spirit nudges you and says, “Ask him/her”. Oh, and purchase paper plates, save the deep cleaning for Spring, and for heaven’s sake stop scrolling through Instagram for the latest pumpkin spice whatever recipe or DaVinci quality table centerpiece made from empty toilet paper rolls! If you need help/inspiration, feel free to drop by my house, without calling/texting anytime!

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