This year we’ve begun the journey as an apprentice of Jesus. What does apprenticing look like to you? For me, this process encompasses many facets, including accepting a teacher’s feedback. We easily receive positive comments; correction/constructive criticism - not so much! Sometimes, God uses others to speak truth into our lives. When done lovingly, this can actually be a gift to us. (Like when a friend points out lettuce in your teeth!) In this arena, I have found a new way to “abide” with Jesus as I sit with Him and let Him help me process feedback I’ve been given.
Abiding in Jesus is the first step of apprenticeship and conjures up numerous images. Many might envision sitting in a comfy chair with an open Bible, cute journal, and cup of coffee on the side. However, sometimes abiding requires crawling up onto the altar - the Master’s workbench, and allowing Him to refine us. There we sit quietly while He gently applies fine grit sandpaper to our rough edges. Trusting He will never sand too long or too hard, but just enough to accomplish His purpose to shape us more into His image. While not comfortable or enjoyable, it’s for our good and the betterment of others.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not good with just “sitting”. My mind gets stuck in negative self-talk loops over my imperfections. My scientific brain immediately wants to develop a plan of action to achieve better results. However, I must remember how deeply my Savior loves me - warts and all!! Not in spite of, but with them! While I’m not comfortable resting in the tension of the unknown, and can have a “hurry up and fix me God!” attitude, He wants me to simply take comfort in abiding with Him through the process. So, whether you’re in a position of receiving feedback, find yourself on the altar of refinement, or are learning to rest in His love for you, take comfort in knowing it’s all a part of this journey called apprenticeship!
~ Lisa Martens ~
Women's Christmas Fellowship

On Dec 9, 110 women gathered for a refreshing night of fellowship, noshing on delicious treats, singing carols, enjoying our keynote presentation by Lisa Harper, small group discussions and wrapped up our evening by assembling Care Kits for some well deserving local Foster Moms and children.
Upcoming Events - Save the Date

White Oak Moms (Formerly WOCC MOPS)

Colerain Group
Facebook: WOCCmoms Colerain
Upcoming Moms' Nights Out
Mar 15 @ 7 pm Spring Spa Night

Ross Group
Facebook: White Oak Moms (Ross)
Upcoming Moms' Nights Out
Mar 15 @ 7 pm Spring Spa Night
Life Groups
God designed you to experience full life, and Life Groups are a great way to help you discover it with others. Click the following link and use the "Search" button to find a group that fits your life.
Questions & Prayer Requests
If you have questions about the WOCC Women's Ministry or are in need of prayer, contact us at