This year at White Oak we had a goal of activating more of our congregation to get out and to love others well. We’ve been calling this “one anothering.” We learn it from Jesus. In John 13, in one of his final teaching moments before going to the cross, Jesus washes his disciples’ feet. After this humbling act of service, he tells them that he is doing this to set an example for them. That they should do for others what he had done for them. In doing so, they would be blessed by God.
In order to one another, this means we will often need to step out of our comfort zone and stretch ourselves in new ways of service and love toward others. This is why this summer White Oak took the opportunity to take three trips that sent White Oak on mission outside of our comfort zones for the sake of one anothering.

In July, we sent a group of students and adults to the Mountain Mission School in Grundy, VA to help prep the school for in-coming students. Also in July, another group set out on mission to Eastern Kentucky through Lifeline Christian Mission to serve residents effected by catastrophic flooding. In August, we activated yet another group on a Marketplace Mission Trip.
We partnered with the Follower of One organization to send people on a trip that took them right to their laptops and deployed them in their daily work lives. This group studied, prayed, discussed and practiced ways in which they can view their workplace or their everyday domains and their co-workers as a place to intentionally show the love of Jesus. See what Pam had to say about her experience on the trip:
The marketplace mission was such an opportunity to reset my mentality at work. It paired simple yet impactful/tangible concepts like praying for our coworkers, having a servant attitude, and appreciating others with intentionality… and something amazing happened. God showed us how we just have to be intentional in those areas and He can do so much through us and in us. There’s an attitude change. For example, I look at my work calendar every morning to prepare for my meetings for the day and this trip helped me take that a step further. In addition to looking at it for my personal purpose (being prepared), I now pause and pray for each of my coworkers in that moment. I pray for our interactions and pray for them by name.
I love what Pam says, here. “There’s an attitude change.” Isn’t that what Jesus is looking for? A heart change that impacts our attitudes surrendering heart, mind, and body over to God for him to do his will through us.
12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. – John 13:12-17
We are approaching Labor Day this weekend where we celebrate our hard work by taking a day off to rest and spend time with family and friends. It also unofficially marks the end of the summer and the start of a new season. Consider this as you celebrate this weekend and launch into a new week on Tuesday and into a new season: How is our Heavenly Father calling and activating you to be on mission for the sake of others?
How will you invite his Spirit to change your heart and attitude so that you intentionally take your every day, coming and going, 9a-5p, running the kids, preparing meals, going to practice, interacting with co-workers and neighbors and those-you-don’t-know kind of day… and one another well? Let’s be obedient to Jesus’s instructions and follow his example. When we do, others will see glimpses of our good Heavenly Father and we, too, will be blessed. Go and do.
Happy Labor Day!

Nathan Hinkle
Lead Pastor
White Oak Christian Church