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October 18, 2024

This past week our staff had a retreat. We spent one day together and spent the bulk of our time listening. We listened to each other. We listened to a guest spiritual director who led us through our time, and we listened to God through his Word.  


In our busy, fast-paced, over-scheduled, demanding, loud lives, it was so refreshing to sit and spend time listening to God speak. Since we know that God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12); that His Word is moving and drawing others (Isaiah 55:11); and since we know that God’s Word is a person—Jesus (John 1:1)… then we must know that God’s Word is not just printed text. His Word is Jesus. Jesus is alive. He is actively pursuing, teaching, convicting, and accomplishing his Father’s will. He is, in real time, confirming biblical truth and stirring those principals in our hearts. 


Unfortunately, we often can boil God’s Word down to printed text (The Bible) only. Many of us have been trained in our Christian faith to read the Bible as a text to be understood. And, might I say, reading the Bible to understand context, background, meaning, and application is a critical part of good Bible study. But when we approach the Bible as a text to be accomplished and mastered, we end up unintentionally limiting God’s living, breathing, active Word to a discipline of study rather than a rhythm of relational living. I’m discovering that that approach is limiting.  


God’s Word is much more than a book to be studied and understood. It’s meant to be experienced. HE is meant to be experienced. So, how do we experience the Bible which is God’s Word?  


One, we have to slow down when we read it. We’re not reading for a test and we’re not reading to take in as much content as possible. We are reading for relationship-building and getting to know God’s heart. We are spending time with him. Read a short passage multiple times. Try reading from 3-4 different translations. Sit with the passage and let it soak in for a bit. 


Two, consider a word or phrase that stands out to you. Each time you read the passage it may be a different word each time. Write the word down. Consider why that word or phrase jumps out and grabs your heart and affection and attention.  


Three, talk to God about that word or phrase. Tell him how that passage makes you feel. Worship him. Ask him questions about the passage.  

Four, ask God for one thing from the passage to which he calls for your obedience.  


Five, read the passage one more time and just let the words rinse over you.  


There are many ways you can experience God’s Word. What’s important is that you take the time to be still, silent, and open to the conversation and the change! His Word will change you. The more you spend time with Him the more He will change, challenge, and form you.  


18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 20 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, 21 so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth.  

-Deuteronomy 11:18-21 


Approaching God’s Word with anticipation, 



Nathan Hinkle

Lead Pastor


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