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Men's Ministry Update

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Men of WOCC,

Congratulations to those that completed the Stepping Up video series with a small group! We've been praying that these groups would encourage you to be the men that God has designed us to be. Now that you've "Stepped Up", what's the next step? Below we have some ideas to stay engaged throughout the summer as well as some future items that we are working on currently. How To Stay Connected Through The Summer: Continue your small groups with new content! Just because you've completed Stepping Up doesn't mean your group needs to end. In fact, it is our hope that many of these groups would continue in some way. Since we just completed a topical study, it might be good to dive into a study that focuses on a book of the Bible. This could be as simple as picking a New Testament book and discussing a chapter per week. Get Social! Summer is a great time to get to know your small group better. Plan a cookout, a hike, golf, or other simple event to give your group a chance to get to know each other better. What's Next For Men's Ministry WOCC Men's Ministry is focused on three specific elements Social, Service, and Spiritual. Hopefully, Stepping Up helped develop your spiritual side. For the rest of the year, we'd like to make sure you get the opportunity to be social as well as serve. Social Join WOCC Men's Ministry for a Saturday morning at TopGolf in West Chester! If you haven't been yet, it is kind of like bowling but with golf - meaning, you don't have to be good or like golf to have a great time. Cost will be $10 - $15 per person plus a $5 "member card" for those that haven't been yet. Date will be announced soon! Service There are a few service opportunities coming up this fall and we'd like to see the Men of WOCC show up in force! First is the Colerain Giveback Day on October 7th, 8am - 12pm. Details will be announced as we get closer to the event. Second is the Operation Christmas Child (OCC) collection week of November 13th through 20th. WOCC is a regional collection center so we will need many hands to make this event successful. Finally, please keep an eye out for WOCC to promote small groups starting in early Fall. We'd like to see the men of WOCC step up and lead many small groups to continue the spiritual growth of all that attend WOCC. Thank you for participating in Men's Ministry in such an impactful and important way. We look forward to connecting with you soon! WOCC Men's Ministry Joe Easton - Colerain Gene Ungermann- Ross

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