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CIY MOVE 2023: Nevertheless

One of our big events every year in Student Ministry is taking a group of High School students to CIY MOVE. CIY (Christ in Youth) MOVE is a 5-day summer event designed for high school students to know Jesus better, deepen their relationships, and be sent out to do Kingdom work. The theme this year was NEVERTHELESS, which was taken from the key verse in Galatians 2:20. “I am crucified with Christ: NEVERTHELESS I live; yet not I, but Christ who lives in me: and the life which I now life in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

This year we headed out to Move with 48 students and 12 leaders. When I say, “what an incredible week” that is a total understatement. When we plan and prep for these events, we always have our expectations and goals. But then God always seems to one up those. Our students these days have a hundred different voices competing for their attention. Telling them who to be, how to act, how to love, how to dress, etc. Before we left you could see the walls these students have built up and the hurt that is weighing them down.

After each session you can see the Holy Spirit shaking up these students and breaking those walls and starting to heal the hurts. I don’t believe there was a dry eye after each session as these students were surrendering everything to God. Students responded to the God’s stirring as they heard teachings on how Jesus is FOR US, is OVER US, is IN US, and is BETWEEN US. One-night CIY had these chains set up around the room and students were prompted to hold the chains and picture the weight they are carrying around. As they held the chains, friends stood over them and prayed for them and as people said amen, you can hear hundreds of chains hitting the ground. After each sound of chains hitting the ground, you can feel this sense of freedom as these students were being bold in surrendering their hurts, desires, and lives to Jesus.

Coming out of CIY we celebrated 6 baptism decisions (maybe a few more to come), 4 rededicating decisions and 5 students feeling the call into vocational ministry and almost the rest of them dedicating them else to be Kingdom Workers in whatever vocation they are called too. PRIASE GOD!!! Thank you, White Oak family, as many of you were praying over our students and many also supported us through financial gifts. Because of your financial and spiritual generosity, students are discovering their identity as a Child of the King and living in the Full Life Jesus has offered us!

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