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August 19, 2022

Though White Oak Christian Church can trace our roots as far back as 1830 (approximately 190 years ago), our first official documentation of White Oak meeting in a building dedicated for the use of weekend worship comes from 1848. In fact, this past Monday, August 15, WOCC stepped across the line into a new year of ministry impact in the name of Jesus!

Take a look at the vision statement written by our predecessors 174 years ago:

“The church at White Oak met upon the fifteenth day of August 1848 and covenanted with God, and with each other that they would take the word of God alone for their rule of faith and practice, and would be Christians and nothing else beside, but would be for God and for no other, and with the Apostle Paul, and with all the Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, would know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified, and would advance his interests in none other.”

I love the simplicity and clarity of this statement. God’s Word and Jesus Christ would be our sole foundation and purpose. Nothing else would be as important. Nothing else would take the place of that vision.

Jesus chose the cross for you and for me. He laid down his life to take what we deserved, and he rose from the grave to promise us eternity with him. What if we lived our lives in such a way that we resolve to know nothing other than Jesus Christ?

Let me ask you to consider these:

Will you resolve to know nothing other than Jesus… for your identity? We are in a series on Sundays where we’re having candid conversation about who we are, what our value is, and what we’re purposed to do. Our identity comes from Jesus alone. We are God’s children; sons and daughters of the Most High! Will you meditate on that truth this week? There is sin and there are lies that have guided you away from your true identity. What false identities do you need to slough off? Rest in who Jesus says you are. Catch up on our sermon series at and don’t miss the rest of the series!

Will you resolve to know nothing other than Jesus… by building community? Did you notice the first WOCC mission statement commits the lives of the believers to God and also to one another? That’s a bold statement. Knowing Jesus means we know each other. We are caring for one another. We are inserting ourselves into positions where we serve each other; We study Scripture together; We disciple others in knowing Jesus and becoming like him. Will you intentionally step into a new space this season where you are with other believers challenging one another to trust Jesus? Get into a Life Group at White Oak. Invite some friends to huddle up with you and read the Bible. We need more Life Group leaders to step up and make spaces for all the new people who are walking through our doors! Jesus’s Church consists of a community of believers participating in worship and discipleship.

Will you resolve to know nothing other than Jesus… by praying boldly? The more we practice prayer, the more our hearts connect to our Heavenly Dad and we become more like Jesus. Will you specifically commit to praying for WOCC’s mission in the Cincinnati and for our partners overseas? I’m asking you to pray for our mission to see more children, teenagers, and adults connect to full life in Jesus this fall. Pray for our mission partners in southeast Asia. Recently, because of your generosity, White Oak was able to pay for a vehicle for one of our missionaries in this region. Government upheaval and violence is reaching these partners impacting their families, their homes, and their ministries. People are being driven from their homes and fearing for their lives. Please pray for their protection, boldness, faithfulness, and strength. Pray that those who would do evil would be stopped. Jesus’s Church will not stop storming the gates of hell. Push your way to the front lines!

For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified

-1 Corinthians 2:2

This is my prayer for White Oak, still. I’m asking you to join with me and our leaders as we carry this vision forward.

Knowing Him and Known by Him,


Nathan Hinkle

Lead Pastor

White Oak Christian Church


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