Mar 25, 2022March 25, 20223 I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures...
Mar 18, 2022March 18, 2022Where are we going? Our teaching team at White Oak has been praying and working hard to bring to our church family the teaching and...
Mar 11, 2022March 11, 2022It’s hard to know what to pray for when it comes to the war happening in Ukraine. The images on TV and the stories of the pain,...
Mar 4, 2022March 4, 2022God is Sovereign. He has supreme authority. He is in control. God is not swayed by outside influence. He is trustworthy. That’s why Paul...
Feb 25, 2022February 25, 2022A natural question for us is this: How do we know the Bible is a reliable source of knowing God and truth? The author and apologist, Josh...